Donate to the Bob Justice Eagle Scholarship in his honor

Donate to the Bob Justice Eagle Scholarship in his honor  image




During the 2016 Palmetto Council Volunteer Recognition Banquet Mr. Bob Justice was awarded the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award. Not only did Mr. Justice serve as the Palmetto Council Scout Executive for over twenty years, but he has also been a servant leader in our community. He currently volunteers as the Charter Organization Representative for VFW Post 9539, who sponsors Pack 9539 at the South Carolina School of the Deaf and Blind. In his honor, we established the Bob Justice NESA Scholarship to be awarded annually to Palmetto Council Eagle Scouts. To apply for this scholarship, an Eagle Scout must have earned the Eagle Rank in the previous year. One (or more) scholarship(s) is(are) awarded annually and may be used for any type of higher education beyond high school